I have to tell you that this experience changed my life in many ways and that is why I blame it on the Dutch.
Don't worry, this is extremely positive.
When the opportunity came up, I JUMPED at it.
I had never been to Europe, didn't speak Dutch (took Spanish in high school), and had never lived away from home. I really wanted to have this experience and hoped I would be one of the lucky ones.
On the plane over to Amsterdam, I had second thoughts. What was I thinking? I don't speak Dutch. One member of the large family I would be living with spoke limited English.
This could be a nightmare.
Actually, it turned into a life changing experience and for many reasons.
It gave me confidence. I realized I could do something outside of my comfort zone and live through it- hehe.
I started to learn Dutch. Very shaky at first and very funny. The younger kids in the family taught me little songs, etc. In return, I taught them English phrases.
I still remember a bit. Ik hou van je- I love you (but that is a whole other story). Not sure if I spelled it correctly.
The picture above is the house I lived in. I thought it was just perfect.

Beauty is everywhere, we just need to open our eyes. This experience opened my eyes.

I don't mean little rides but serious (even Lance at that age would be shaking his head) bike rides.

I learned to really live in the moment but
I knew that I was destined to move to Europe.
And I did. Several years later, I moved to Switzerland (The original French Elements started at that time even though I didn't realize it).
The exchange experience opened my eyes and for that I am extremely grateful.
I grew up around flowers but I had never experienced anything like the flower fields in the Netherlands. This YouTube video will give you a little tour of some amazing flower fields.
Just watching this made me want to quickly pack, and jump on a flight.
Oh Barb! How stunning! And what a great experience! I finally went to France about seven years ago and that changed my life indeed. Hey, then you must visit the Dutchess...she is Dutch and lives in the city with a lovely garden. How nice to revisit the memories. They give us such pleasure and remind us of our achievements. Blessings, Anita
Hi Barb, what a wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing it with us. The garden and house are so beautiful. Isn't it fun to relive our memories through pictures?
Barb, what a wonderful story and slice of your life. Your picture on the bikes looks like an ad from a magazine. Great picture. That was a beautiful house. Doesn't time go so so fast?
Good evening Barb. What a wonderful experience you had. It must have been awesome to live in another country. The house and gardens are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed the video too ♥ Great post!
What a fabulous experience you had! How cool that you shared those beautiful photos!
How fun to get to know you a little better!
What beautiful gardens they had where you stayed! That house looks like a dream!
The flower show pictures are stunning.
Barb, it sounds like you have lived a fun, full life. Your travels are my dream! You have so many things to share and I love reading about them!
What a wonderful experience! And a beautiful setting none the less.
Exchange trips are so incredible, and such a regret when one doesn't jump at the chance. Glad to have walked down your memory lane with this post!
I can't believe I never read this post! I'm Dutch, and most of my family still lives in Holland, as does the family of my husband.
What a cute post. Makes me want to go there for a trip again. xo
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