I'm not even sure how old I was in this photo.
That's my dad holding onto me. I treasure this photo as I don't have many of the 2 of us. I wonder what he thought about my hat?
With the Kentucky Derby approaching, I thought this might be a timely post.
I love to watch the race just to see the hats. I close my eyes as the horses run. Just call me chicken.
I have some hats that I am thinking about parting with.
As a child, I loved sunhats, Easter bonnets, really any hat and wore them all the time.
As an adult I purchased hats for special occasions but usually had them on my head for a short period of time. They are pristine!

Frank Olive was an incredible Milliner. He designed for "the stars".
He passed away in 1995 at the very young age of 66.
Many of his hats were one of a kind.

This blue and white baby is Fabulous!
The bow should be worn in the back but I prefer it in the front.

I love the look- very Audrey Hepburn.
So, do I part with them or hang on to them for dear life?
I really would appreciate your input.
Now, I need to rest my fingers. I have been working on some little projects and the fingers are beyond sore.
See you all later and thank you for helping me decide what to do.
Hello my sweet blogging friend... it's been a while and I am making rounds and trying to catch up. Still have not posted a new blog post since my shows, but wanted to come by and see how you're doing. Love the hats... esp. the Audrey one. I'll have one in black, please. :) (Only my face is far too round to really wear one... he he.)
No! Don't part with them! They're gorgeous. I bet you look fabulous in them.
I love your hats. I can't wear hats...my daughter always laughs at me and says Take it off you look funny. I envy people who can wear them. I'd keep them and wear them with pride.
These hats remind me so much of the Easter bonnets my mom would get us girls to wear to church. NO I wouldn't part with them. (Seeing them reminded me of Angelina Jolie in THE CHANGLING. That woman looks great in everything!)
Have a blessed day!
KEEP THEM!Put them on a dress form, something, but KEEP THEM! I love the one with the black and white contrast. So chic. Hey friend, I am glad to see you back in the saddle on a regular basis. I hope your son is well. Have a great day! Anita
Hi Ladies,
I'm still on the fence about it. Hubby thinks I should keep them also but I never wear them so.....
Well if you are parting with them I'd like the blue and white one!!
they are beautiful, dont part with them. I have all mine put away in a hatbox, and get them out every now and then!
I could never part with them, especially if you have the perfect hat head and face! And you appear to! I,on the other hand...love hats but they do not love me! I do love babies in bonnets...love your cherished photo!
What a darling picture of you and your dad ♥ I would keep all of the hats for dear life. It's your destiny :>) They are all so beautiful. I couldn't bare to part with them
Oh dearest,
Your comment made my day! May God bless you always and your beloved boy. God IS WITH US. We shall one day see Him for who He truly is and this life will be revealed clearly to us, isn't that exciting? Bisous, Anita
Please keep them. They are so beautiful. Someday when I visit you we can put the hats on and take some fabulous pictures. I love hats and when they were worn all the time I loved to try them on in the department stores. I especially love the black and white hats. So So classy. The next time you go to a wedding I would wear one. They are stunning!!!!!!
Thank you for your prayers and support. I will let you know when I hear something.
Well Barb you sure are a cutie patootie in that pic !!! I think bonnets are so cute on babies.
Keep the hats; I love em !
Hi Again,
Thank you for helping me decide what to do with the hats I no longer wear.
I am going to keep them and "gift" them to the ladies when they are a little bit older.
Love ya
Hi My Darling friend,Thank you so much for the get well wishes.I am doing better,a bit slow witted.
Love the Audrey Hepburn look.Because I've always loved her.I would keep every last one.You could not make me part with Audrey...LOL
I think you were the most precious little girl in your bonnet.Your dad really loves you in that picture.He was thinking...Thats my sweet darling little girl.Is she not a beauty?...What is that little Barb?...Anything your little heart desires. That is what he is thinking
Happy Mothers Day!!!XXXOOOMarie Antionette
I could never wear hats..my head is too big and my cheeks are too puffy...lol. But..I love the way they look..especially yours! Maybe keep the ones that hold meaning for you and part with some of the others...but, if you think you may regret it later..best to keep them. My new motto is less is more....I have just grown tired of some of my collections....but I bet this time next year I will be back to collecting....lol. I am sure your grandgirls would love to have these someday!
Ah, yes, hats and the races a winning combination! You've got some fabulous ones! So HANG ON TO YOUR HAT! LOL! ;)
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