I'm not even sure how old I was in this photo.
That's my dad holding onto me. I treasure this photo as I don't have many of the 2 of us. I wonder what he thought about my hat?
With the Kentucky Derby approaching, I thought this might be a timely post.
I love to watch the race just to see the hats. I close my eyes as the horses run. Just call me chicken.
I have some hats that I am thinking about parting with.
As a child, I loved sunhats, Easter bonnets, really any hat and wore them all the time.
As an adult I purchased hats for special occasions but usually had them on my head for a short period of time. They are pristine!

Frank Olive was an incredible Milliner. He designed for "the stars".
He passed away in 1995 at the very young age of 66.
Many of his hats were one of a kind.

This blue and white baby is Fabulous!
The bow should be worn in the back but I prefer it in the front.

I love the look- very Audrey Hepburn.
So, do I part with them or hang on to them for dear life?
I really would appreciate your input.
Now, I need to rest my fingers. I have been working on some little projects and the fingers are beyond sore.
See you all later and thank you for helping me decide what to do.