Lynn is hosting the first "give thanks" blog
party and I am so excited to be able to participate.
What a wonderful theme.
I know I have so much to be thankful for.
The collage above represents the 4 seasons
and it reminds me of my dad.
When I was growing up,
he always said "every season is a reason to give thanks".
To be honest with you, initially it went right over my head-hehe.
I understood summer- no school.
As I grew older, I understood completely.
With each passing season, we do have a reason to give thanks.
We have grown and changed just like the seasons. Hopefully
we have made a little difference in this world.

regardless of the situation.
He said to me, "you will have difficult times and that is
when you especially need to live with a thankful heart.
It will make all the difference".
My dad was right (he is smiling down at me).
I am thankful to have good friends both
in the blogging community and close at hand.
I am blessed to have a wonderful family.
I am so thankful for the men and women
that are serving in the military.
I will continue to applaud you (especially Jeff-hehe)!
Lynn, THANK YOU for this opportunity to give thanks.
I hope this will become a yearly event.
big hugs and thanks to each of you that
have made my life richer.
Love what your Daddy told you...so true. Now I give thanks every night when my head hits the pillow...I am so grateful for every day.
May you have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
Beautiful post...the mosaic is so pretty! Your father had a great saying!
Beautiful Post Barb ~ Your Dad who I know is smiling down on You, was a Wise Man.... Live with a Thankful Heart! I think that will be My new Life Motto ~ Happy Thanksgiving to You!
now I am off to see your post of Picnik ~ Loving the photos collages you Created ~
Giving thanks helps up to recognize all that we have and that includes those who are now gone. My mom taught me to be thankful for everything that has come my way good or bad, it is all a piece of me and why I am who I am today. She is also looking down and smiling. Thanks for stopping by today! Theresa xoxo
Oh Barb, I know that your father is with you each and everyday, watching over you and whispering ever so softly. It might be a gentle breeze or the scent of a bloom, but he is there. Your mosaic tells a story all it's own and it touched me.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and sending prayers of safety to your son. God Bless him for serving our great country and keeping us safe. There is no greater job, Char
Thanks for the lovely visit and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, your blog and post is beautiful, I'm so pleased you were able to stop by. Hugs Marilou
Happy Thanksgiving Barb, I love the four season tribute to your dad and his advice.
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a wonderful comment on my blog. Your post is so true. Your dad was right about having a thankful heart all of the time, but especially when things aren't going smoothly.
Hugs- Tete
It's times like this that I miss my dad so much. He was always my hero and he did a great turkey..
Thanks for coming over to my Sweet Romantic Notions and following me. I'm grateful for that. I love your site so I too will follow you..
Here's to our dad's! Happy Thanksgiving!
What a lovely post with pretty pictures too!
Thanks for coming by and I hope to get to know you. What a cute baby granddaughter on your side bar!
Thanks for sharing this wisdom from your Dad and it is so true! I am Thankful for so much including you, my friend!! I love your mosaic of the seasons!
Have a blessed weekend! HUGS!
Your dad was right! I believe that people with grateful hearts are, at heart, happy.
What a pretty blog! It is so nice to meet you at this lovely Give Thanks pary!
Oh, Barb ... your post is also beautiful. Our dads should have known each other! Thanks for visiting my blog ... thanks for the positive comments ...
Barb, your dad sounds like he was a very smart man! I love your idea of the 4-seasons mosaic--just lovely! I, too, hope that Lynn makes this an annual event! mercedes
Oh Barb, this is such a beautiful post. I love your Dad. Mine is smiling down on me with that funny grin he had too. A reason for the seasons and a thankful heart are beautiful sentiments! Thank you so much for joining the party. I hope to see lots more of you and a happy happy Thanksgiving. xoxo Lynn
What a lovely post. It's all about attitude, isn't it! We can embrace the changes of season or we can complain. It's the same way with the seasons of our lives. I choose embracing them!
Happy Thanksgiving, Barb. You are a blessing to so many!
Hi Barb, This is a wonderful post! I wish I had taken heed of all my fathers advise when I was young. Now I understand.
Thanks for your visit and kind comment on my Grateful Journal. I always enjoy your visits and reading the notes you leave. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Sounds like your dad was a very wise men. Happy Thanksgiving. La
love this...everything about it!
hey...and my word verification is 'count'...as in count your blessings? ha
Well I thought I left a comment. I swear I have been doing so many tasks, I hardly know which end is up. Love to you Dearie, have a wonderful Thanksgiving.. yvonne
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