I met one yesterday.
She saved my son's life.
J.W has had Type 1 diabetes since he was a wee one.
He is a brittle diabetic.
This, along with his other health problems has always been a HUGE concern.
He can go from high to beyond low very quickly.
He wants to have some independence but needs
to be in an environment where he is checked on regularly.
Yesterday, a little Angel came by to check on him.
His front door was open and she walked in to find him laying on the floor.
I won't go into all the details but I will tell you that she
made the calls in the right order.
1. Call 911
2. Call mom
When the paramedics arrived and checked his glucose, it didn't register on their meter.
It was that LOW.
I got the call as they were transporting him to the hospital.
I rushed off and by the time I arrived, he was doing much better.
He was released (they don't keep medicare patients in the hospital as long as they used to).
He is doing much better- Praise God!
I believe that his Angel was sent in the nick of time.
The Dr said if he hadn't been found when he did, the picture
would have been very different.
I am so thankful she arrived when she did and made the calls in the right order.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Miss Nikki.
You were sent to be in the right place at the right time.
Happy Sunday to each of you and remember- there are Angels watching
over us.