Lynn is hosting the first "give thanks" blog
party and I am so excited to be able to participate.
What a wonderful theme.
I know I have so much to be thankful for.
The collage above represents the 4 seasons
and it reminds me of my dad.
When I was growing up,
he always said "every season is a reason to give thanks".
To be honest with you, initially it went right over my head-hehe.
I understood summer- no school.
As I grew older, I understood completely.
With each passing season, we do have a reason to give thanks.
We have grown and changed just like the seasons. Hopefully
we have made a little difference in this world.

My dad also said to live with a thankful heart
regardless of the situation.
He said to me, "you will have difficult times and that is
when you especially need to live with a thankful heart.
It will make all the difference".
My dad was right (he is smiling down at me).
I am thankful to have good friends both
in the blogging community and close at hand.
I am blessed to have a wonderful family.
I am so thankful for the men and women
that are serving in the military.
I will continue to applaud you (especially Jeff-hehe)!
Lynn, THANK YOU for this opportunity to give thanks.
I hope this will become a yearly event.
big hugs and thanks to each of you that
have made my life richer.