Monday, February 14, 2011

A "frenchy" Valentine's Day

During our long marriage (o.k, not that long- only 7 years), Hubby and I have
had the opportunity to spend Valentine's day in some wonderful places.
Can you tell from the photo above that I am collecting ephemera
for the grans? They will have quite the collection someday.

A few years ago we were in the South of France for that special day.

The hotel was a favorite of mine from the "old" days.
One of the restaurants in the hotel was having a special ROMANTIQUE
dinner. It sounded like it would be spectacular. We decided to
find a small, local place. It was the right decision.

We were able to celebrate with some French families.
This was a highlight for both of us.

Today finds us at home, and that is just fine with me.
However, just to keep the "French is a state of mind" thing going,
I have some treats for you.

French goodies from LADUREE.
Their site is magical. A must visit.

Of course, our own Julia, has French goodies as well.
She is the real deal and so talented!

I couldn't let this day go by without telling you that I love all of you.
Tell someone you love them today. It could be a friend, your dog, yourself.
Those words have power.

Have a love filled day!


Lorrie said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you Barb. Thanks for the great links.

love to you,

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Barb,
France sounds fantastic for Valentines Day. All of the pretty photos look magical. Love them!

Enjoy this warm and special day.

Pondside said...

That was a fun post, Barb.
You've had some lovely Valentine's Days, from the sound of it - and today will be no exception.

Kim's Treasures said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your hubs too! Wow to be in France for Valentine's Day. We had a glimpse of it at the French restaurant we went to last night complete with a violinist who played divinely and the gentleman who accompanied her on guitar! Beautiful! We had champagne too! Yum! Hope you have a wonderful evening!!!



Theresa said...

Hi there dear friend! I hope this has been a wonderful Valentine's Day! Love the pictures, those treats look too tasty:) Love you bunches! HUGS!

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks for the treats and sharing the memories too!

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

A Tale of Two Cities said...

I feel the love. Valentine's Day in France? How perfect that would be--the country of love!! Beautiful Laduree treats--bet they taste as yummy as they look.

My best to you and your family...

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Barb,
Love you too!
I really hope to go to Paris one day..How romantic, you were able to have a Valentine's Day in one the most romantic cities in the world!
Wonderful memories.
Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

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