If you are a regular visitor to The French Elements blog,
you know that Jeff nicknamed Andrea- Newbaby2010 ver.4.0.
That was before they knew whether they were having
a boy or girl.
Newbaby2010 ver.4.0 was how I received the news
and I was over (still am) the moon.
Another wee one to LOVE.
It just doesn't get better than that.
O.k, it could be better since I have not seen her
in person yet (some health stuff going on with J.W.)
but I know that day will be coming soon.
In celebration, I wanted to have a French inspired giveaway.
There are 5 French goodies for you to win. YAY!

The First is an embroidered burlap pillow.
As you can see, it features the Eiffel Tower

and Merry Christmas in French.
Christmas will be here before we know it.
Cute, huh?

Very French, very fabulous.
You will also receive this collection of 4 Chanel goodies.
- Mousse Douceur- the most wonderful facial cleanser
2. Gommage Microperle Eclat- an exfoliating gel that really will
give your skin a glow.
3. Quick Shadow Brush- one of my favorite tools for
applying shadow with the speed of light.
4. Exceptionnel De Chanel- this Chanel mascara gives intense volume
and curl.
It is very easy to enter and you have the opportunity to
receive several entries.
1. Leave a comment
2. Follow the blog. If you visit occasionally and don't follow,
this would be a great time to follow along.
Let me know if you are a new follower.
If you already follow, you have 2 entries right off the bat.
Double check to make sure you really do follow.
There are blogs I thought I was following but when I
clicked on "follow", I found out I wasn't.
Not sure if that is a blogger glitch.
3. If you post the giveaway button on your blog, one more entry.
4. If you tweet or do a Facebook post about the giveaway,
yet one more entry.
Just come back and let me know.
The winner will be announced September 14th (evening)
so that gives you some time to spread the word.
So there you have it. Long post for me-hehe.
I am so excited about Andrea Jeanne.
Our family has been blessed with this precious new life
and we are so thrilled.
Thank you for sharing in our joy.
big hugs!