I was going to write it a while ago but i really
needed to talk with Jeff before laying it out there.
I had the opportunity yesterday (BIG YAY) to talk with him.
We have had this conversation or a similar one many times.
It never gets easier.
Hubby felt it should not be blogged about.
Umm humm, I didn't listen.
There are a few out there that have read my blog since the get go.
You know that hubby married me when I was quite ill.
Personally, I think I would have run the other way.
Just the fact that he felt we were destined to be together
still gives me chills.
The fact that he took on a woman with a serious illness and
a special needs adult son says how wonderful he is
I should be listening to his point of view.
What a good wife I am -hehe!
O.k, I found another lump.
Not going into detail but I can tell you that I am a little nervous.
I see the "man" tomorrow.
I have always had wonderful Dr's and I am grateful
for that.
Yes, I have Faith and that has carried me through.
I know it is not over till God says it's over.
I am praying for a long, healthy life.
I have a new gran to meet in September and pillows, etc to make.
I just wanted to let you know what is going on.
You are the best.
Sorry hubby for not listening.
love you.
Oh my Sweet Barb. I am praying and will keep at it. You have to ignore those men sometimes:). They don't understand the bond us bloggers have. Hugs to you and continued prayers!
Oh Barb...saying a prayer for you! I'm so sorry you have to be going through all this. BIG HUGS!!!
I can see why you wanted to blog about this...I would too, because we see our blog friends as real in life friends and prayer warriors too.
I will be praying for you and keeping you in my thoughts!
Hello, I am so sorry, you will be in my thoughts and prayers, you have such a wonderful husband. Hugs, Terri
PS. I'm glad you told us. We friends want a chance to pray for you when you can use it!
Oh Barb, I'm so sorry you're having to think about this. I will start praying right now.
Oh, life. Why do you have to run us through the ringer sometimes?
Barb, my most fervent prayers will be with you. Please keep us in touch.
Oh Barb, I'm so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you - that the lump will be benign, and that you will have peace in your heart throughout these next days.
sending love,
Blogging about serious things helps to lift the burden of carrying them with us. It is cathartic and healthy.
I hope things go well for you and I will think positive thoughts for you.
My whole heart goes out to you. You are one of the loveliest and most elegant ladies I have had the pleasure of knowing through your blog.
I have faith as well and it is my sincere hope you will be well and fully healed.
Continue to have faith and believe, for nothing is impossible to those who believe!
Do take care of yourself and know others are praying for you, cheers!
SO glad you did let us know... and we want to continue to know as much as you are willing to share with us.
(Which, selfishly I'm hoping is everything).
Thanks so much for sharing this with us -- I am most definitely going to be praying with you.
Thank you for confiding to us here in Blogland. We all need support and friendship at times like these.
God is with you all the time and I pray that his healing power will sustain you through this path you are on at this point. God moves mountains and loves us beyond our understanding. Letting go and Letting God in all things brings us Peace. I am here and your friends I know are here with you.
I pray that God will give you and your Husband and family peace, and understanding through this journey.
I am praying for you and I don't think you made a wrong decision in letting us know in Blogland, because where two or more pray there "He" is in the midst of it all.
Love and Hugs and Peace to you Dear Lady,
I say "Yes, tell us!" so we can be thinking about you, praying for you and encouraging you! :) Hope all goes well tomorrow and obvious tests to come later this week.
I have just discovered your blog and am in love. I, too, adore all things French and what a lovely saying, "French is a state of mind.". I love that.
I am touched by your openness regarding your illness. I have been a registered nurse for 23 years and find that those who can be open and talk about the issues at hand are those who develop strength and courage. Both are elements needed for hope and recovery. I will be keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. God is always working for our good, even when it does not seem that He is. He is able to prove Himself to us no matter what the circumstance.
Blessings to you today, my friend.
In Grace,
Hi Barb, what a difficult post to write. I hope all goes well with the doctor visit tomorrow. I have faced my own health demons and managed to live to tell the tale. I endured two years of chemo, radiation and trial drug so I can relate. So far so good. I'll say a little prayer for you.
XOXO, Bonnie
You are totally in my thoughts. Keep the faith sister.xxxxx
Oh sweetie, I'm sorry you had to write this too, but I'm glad that you did. Tell Hubby we understand that he only wants to protect you and minimize your anguish. We, your blogging friends, understand him wanting to protect you. We also want to provide you our prayers, our support, our thoughts and our words. We are here for you, even if it is only via a comment form. We are here and let me begin the chain of sending you strength and prayer to keep you healthy and strong. Sea Witch
Oh My... teary, very teary right now.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Your words are comforting and just so beautiful.
If you could keep J.W. in your thoughts and prayers please. I spent the day with him and this has thrown him for a loop. I am more concerned about him right now than that pesky lump.
Oh Barb, I am glad you did not listen to your hubby. This way we know about it and can pray for you. Please keep us posted.
With warm regards,
Barb - I'm so sorry to hear about this.
I'm actually seeing my surgeon tomorrow. I had a stereotactic biopsy last week.
I will say a prayer for you.
Barb, I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers. Your husband sounds like an amazing man and will make this scary time a bit more bearable, I'm sure. I believe that the more people who know to send you positive thoughts and prayers, the better! Let us shoulder some of the worry :) Many hugs.... xx Suzanne
I think in times like this you need to blog. That way all of us who love you can pray for you. Prayer can do a lot!
Please know you and your family are in my daily prayers.
i will be thinking of you. Big hugs from me!
"I know" the feelings we get when were told "you have a ____"...
We take time to think about it, do something about it, then get on with our life,, one day at a time!
Faith, Hope and Love will hold us up through it all!
Sending 'good vibes' to help get you through all that comes your way.
Yes, sharing this with all your blogger friends takes a bit of the weight off, and along the way, don't forget to take very good care of yourself!
Dear Barb, Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Carol
Thank you, Barb, for trusting us with this. I am so glad you did, because that way, we can all pray for you. It's not over til God says it is. And even then, it's not over.
Thinking of you, my heart is right there with you. God is surrounding you with his prayer warriors. And your wonderful husband, too. xoxo Lidy
You obviously have one of the best husbands in the world. Hugs and blessings.
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