Blessings and complications.
I dropped hubby off at the airport this morning for CO.
Many of you know that his mother has been fighting ovarian cancer for some time.
We try to get up there as often as possible to visit.
He took some vacation time and this visit had been planned for a while.
His younger sister has had some health problems for a while as well.
She fell and broke her wrist and ended up in the hospital.
The broken wrist was a blessing in disguise!
She has been seeing doctors for several years and they really could not find out what the problem was.
Well, they discovered she has progressive MS.
Talk about a shock!
I am holding down the fort (my son has appointments that could not be rescheduled).
I hope to fly up later this week. Time will tell.
The moral of my post......if you think there is something wrong, and a Dr can't figure it out,
Keep going, if you can. Keep going until you find the one Doctor that can put it all together.
Have a blessed Sunday.
I love you all!
I agree with that statement. I think there are so many doctors that just give you a pill without really checking you and/or taking tests. I hope all is well with you family. Don't forget to pack jacket, it will be cool and 60's this week. But of course that can change.
I do hope all will be well soon.
I agree with you whole heartedly, Barb. I had a doctor who told me to wait a bit on having a procedure. I decided to have it done STAT. I was okay but something else was found and corrected~it was life threatening.
I'm glad your MIL & SIL are getting the best health care and TLC.
Take care, Barb.
Dear Barb,
Oh, how is your husband holding up? I lost my mom to ovarian cancer and wow, did she fight back hard. She died with courage, but she suffered. And your sister in law....I hope she is doing well. Blessings in disguise are sometimes tough to take, but thank God, she finally knows the answer to her problems. YOU take care of yourself dear one. Anita
I'm very sorry to hear that is happening to someone in your family, sweetpea. Be faithful as you have said and all will turn out for the best I'm sure, chick...
Good morning Barb..I totally understand where you are coming from. The past couple of months have been one dr appt after the other for my mother, my husband,and myself. Conflicting test results have become the norm. I am certain that is why we should put our faith in the Great Physician. Sometimes I get so weary from the battle but then I hear of others that are in worse situations. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's mom and sis. I will remember your family in my prayers. Take care!
good thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Sea Witch
Absolutely! I hope and pray that your husband will have a safe trip and get to spend some quality time with his family! God Bless you all!
Yep! Keep going until you get a diagnosis! I had to, several times!
Barb, I totally agree with you. Hop over to my blog and you'll see I have been having my portion of tests. Thank the Lord they seem to have figured out my deal.
Lifting you all up in prayer!
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