and I'm longing for Fall weather.
A mountain top in Switzerland sounds good right about now.
Doesn't it?
Labor Day weekend in AZ is HOT, HOT, HOT.
With Jeff, Dorothy, and the ladies in Monterey, it will be QUIET, QUIET, QUIET, and HOT.
No big plans here, but I am hoping to visit all of you over the weekend.
Slowly but surely.
Have a fabulous Labor Day weekend.
And I hope your weekend is all you want it to be. Hopefully the hot weather will soon break.
Hello Barb! I am so sorry to hear that you are still suffering under that hot, icky weather. Our trees are starting to turn colors....one of the perks of living in a four season state! Take care, Anita
Hi Barb, sorry to hear the weather is still so HOTin AZ! We have been blessed with fantastic weather this year. We did have some hot spells, but had lots of rain!!
I got a computer virus and had to put it in the shop. This loaner has no picture programs so I am way behind on posting any blogs. But, am glad that I can at least read them!
Lots of medical tests and dr visits going on around here the past couple of months, so I am way behind on EVERYTHING! If life wasnt so full of issues, I think I'd be dead (heck, we all would wouldn't we?) But, I am a survivor and I keep treking on!
I am trying to make a duvet cover, doing alot of paint projects, work on the front porch remodel, take care of sick mother, husband, and self, etc, etc, etc.....I am still following your blog but you may not hear from me every day. HOWEVER, I will return...
Have a great Labor Day weekend..
What a beautiful photo of the mountains. It's cool and fogggy here, and we planned to go to the lake! Have a great weekend!
What a beautiful photo of the mountains. It's cool and fogggy here, and we planned to go to the lake! Have a great weekend!
Our weather has started cooling and it feels like fall now...hope you get some change soon.
BTW I love your banner!! So French!
Have a great day!!!
Barb, just looking at those beautiful mountains makes me feel cool (and makes me think of Heidi.) I am sure it will be hard not to be pensive thinking of your precious ones, but I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I am glad you get to have a quiet weekend, we are too. That picture of Switzerland looked so cool and crisp. I am so ready for the fall and winter. I'm sorry it's so hot there.
Beautiful picture, makes me want to go there! Have a restful Labor Day!
Hi, the heat here has let up today. I believe it only got somewhere in the high 80s/low 90s. What a relief.
Hope you enjoyed the long weekend.
Barb, hope your holiday was just as you imagined. It's still hot here in TX as well. I'm so ready for fall. I'd take the mountains of Switzerland! Beautiful photo.
Hope to see you for a visit sometime at both the QCI blog and my own which is Hyacinthforthesoul.blogspot.com
Thanks for following the QCI. Are you a Quimper collector? ~ Sarah
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