Merci, merci to Barb at
Bella Vista for hosting The 1st annual SHOW US YOUR ROOSTERS PARTY. There are many participants and I am looking forward to visiting them all.
May take quite some time, but I am determined to visit everyone.
The picture above is what I think a proud French rooster would look like after spending a summer in Arizona. He is not pecking for food, he has heat exhaustion.

I just love the colors on this rooster. Isn't he marvelous?
I have had a "thing" for roosters for a long time.

This is Jeff's first Halloween, and I dressed him up as a rooster.
My version of a rooster anyway. The only feathers I could find were yellow.
Look's more like a chicken but I am calling it a rooster.
I thought he looked adorable (I knew as he got older, I would have no say in the matter).
A mom has to do what a mom has to do!
I collected many roosters over the years. My poor boys were surrounded by roosters.
When I remarried, I knew it was time to pass most of the roosters to new homes.
My friends now have the majority of my rooster collection.
Compromise, not a bad thing at all.
I kept 3 roosters that have special meaning to me.
I will never part with them.

The rooster above is made of glass and was a Mother's day gift from the boys years ago.
Every time I look at it, I can see their sweet faces as I opened the box.

This rooster was painted by my youngest son's class.
It was a thank you gift.
The teacher asked my son what I liked, and of course, he said "roosters".
They put so much work into it. It means the world to me.
When I am in the kitchen and I look up, there he is.

The 2 pictures above show the big boy.
This was a birthday gift from the boys and I adore it.
I feel like he watches over me when I am in the kitchen.
Good memories.
Well, I don't collect roosters anymore but I do make them.

The rooster above is a flour sack towel.
Hot pink!

The orange rooster pillow, was part of a giveaway I had last week.
It is on it's way to Judy in Denver.
I think she is a rooster gal too!

The rooster on this pillow is hot pink.

Last but not least, The petit coq pillow.
That's it folks. Not many roosters at this time but just the right roosters for me.