I have 3 more books that I think you will enjoy reading.
The first is Joie De Vivre- Simple French Style for Everyday Living by Robert Arbor and Katherine Whiteside.
The recipes are the real deal and the pictures..... You will learn so much by the time you finish the book, you'll be almost French (another really great book by Sarah Turnbull)
The next book is A Goose in Toulouse and other Culinary Adventures in France by Mort Rosenblum.
I seem to have a theme going here-hehe.
If you love food and love all things French, pick it up. You will not regret it.
It is like taking a mini vacation without the price tag.
I have to warn you about the last book. I was reading this in a waiting room and started laughing so hard I had to leave the room. It is a hoot!
It is called The Reluctant Tuscan- How I discovered my inner Italian by Phil Doran.
I laughed until I cried but the story also made me cry.
Trust me on this and just read it.
Have a wonderful weekend.