Sunday, October 10, 2010

LOVE doesn't make the world go round

"Love doesn't make the world go round.
Love makes the ride worthwhile".

Franklin P. JonesToday is our 7th wedding anniversary

and I have to tell you, it has been quite the ride.

As many of you know, I was very ill when we got married.
Jeff played matchmaker (still saving up for the finder's fee-hehe).

We have been through the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.
I wouldn't change a thing.

At times we felt like we were on an Olympic bobsled course

hanging on for dear life.

Enough said!

I am so fortunate to have this wonderful
man in my life.

He is a source of strength when I am not so strong.
He loves unconditionally.
He loves my sons as if they were his own.
I have truly been blessed and I know it!

This photo was taken last night at his company party.

I can say for sure that LOVE makes the ride worthwhile.

Honey, I love you so much.

Here is to another 7 years (bumps and all).


Theresa said...

Congratulations my dear friend, beautiful picture of you guys! I agree that Love makes the ride worthwhile:) Tuesday is my 25th anniversary! Have a blessed day! HUGS

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Barb, a very sincere wish for a happy anniversary to you both. I think that you are both very fortunate to have found one another because I have a feeling that you "light up his life" as he has yours. You make a beautiful couple! Best wishes to you both!!

Pondside said...

Here's to many, many more years together! You're blessed to have found (or had found for you!) this special partner!

Elizabethd said...

How lovely you both look, and how happy too.

Betsy Brock said...

Happy Day to both of you! Hope there are many wonderful years to come!

Blondie's Journal said...

You both found something wonderful in each other...and that is the best gift!


Blondie's Journal said...

Oops! Happy Anniversary!!!


Bonnie said...

Awwww! You two make a lovely couple! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and many, many more joyful anniversaries to come!

~Bonnie :)

Janet said...

Congratulations Barb and Mr. Barb. The second time around can certainly have its "moments", but isn't it great what commitment,love and the right man can do?


A Tale of Two Cities said...

Congratulations to you both. It looks like you were very blessed to find each other. May you share many more happy years together.

You looked smashing at the party!

Pearl said...

You both look very happy -- and that's a lovely thing for all of us: for you two, and for the rest of the world.

Happy Anniversary!


La Petite Gallery said...

Well, Barb thanks for becoming a follower You both look so happy. I lost my soul mate in 2002. Don't
plan to re-hitch. I am used to being alone now. Cherrish each other. Congrats


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WOW, Barb, this was well put and so appropriate for what I will be posting on next! I just feel so grateful for the men in my, husband and those men who do so much for us. YES, LOVE makes the journey so worthwhile, doesn't it? You look fabulous in your picture and your husband is SO HANDSOME!!! ENJOY EVERY SINGLE DAY, and thank you so much for visiting me!!! Anita

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Happy Anniversary you two love-birds!
What a beautiful photo.....
Gary and I need to have a new photo taken maybe next spring for our 35the anniversary..
Love is wonderful and at times very unexpected.
I keep telling my daughters that their (true love) will find them..just when they don't expect it.
You have found your love and happiness, you both have been blessed..
Big hugs, Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Barb! How wonderful! Please extend my best wishes to your hubby too. Very nice picture of the two of you ♥

Anonymous said...

happy happy anniversary to you two! and champagne glass clink to many more. Y'all look great! :) So glad you joined the Give Thanks party.

Sue said...

Hi Barb- My, don't you two make a handsome couple! Glad you have found a "good one" to go through the rest of your life with.
~ Sue

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