Mademoiselle Andrea Jeanne joined our family on Monday morning.
The doctor was wayyy off on her weight.
She only weighed 9lbs 6 ounces.
She is a lanky 20 inches.
Jeff called from Hawaii once he received the call that all was good.
Dorothy and Andrea are fantastic and this Grandma is over the moon (again).
Thank you God!
Don't you just love those chunky cheeks?

Jayde has always been a little mother and
is very excited.
The jury is still out on Annika-hehe.
Hailey adores her.
This is the first birth I have missed but I
intend to visit ASAP.

This will be Jeff and Dorothy's last child and
I'm so sorry he missed the birth.
But the onesie says it best.
If you LOVE your freedom, thank my dad.
I am so proud of all of you.
I feel a giveaway coming on (hubby is rolling his eyes-hehe).
Once I come back to earth, I think I need to celebrate
the arrival of newbaby 2010. ver.4.0 with a little something special.
Thank you for sharing this special time with us.