are 10 years old today.
Since we thank heaven everyday for you,
I thought I would keep the same music
that I had for Newbaby 2010 ver.4.0
When daddy called to say they were at the hospital
in labor and we better hurry, we moved quickly.
Your uncle was dressing in the car.
Thankfully we arrived in time (before Dr. Johnson)
and were able to welcome you into this world.
I love the photo above, your mom and dad
were excited and so enchanted with you.
You were perfect!

Word of wisdom to you honey- as you grow older,
don't do French red. Really bad idea.

When I saw this picture that was taken on Halloween,
it took my breath away. How grown up you looked.
I looked at the photo and felt like I was looking into the future.
You are a beautiful young lady but MOST important,
you are beautiful on the inside.
That is truly what matters.
Be true to yourself always. Run YOUR race
regardless of whether it is the "popular" thing to do
or not.

I am so proud of the young lady you have become.
You are a marvelous big sister. I know the 4 of you
will remain close throughout life.
Of course you are a dear daughter. Your parents love
and adore you.
As a granddaughter..... you have brought so much
love, joy and life to us.
Honey, YOU ROCK!
I can't wait to see what the future holds for you.
Happy Birthday sweetheart.
God Bless you. We love you.
she is sooo adorable, what a sweet post. 10 years flies, doesn't it?
What a happy life you lead, Barb. God bless you always! I will stay away from the French RED! I am planning to let it all hang out gray. Accessories will be my defense to keep me neat, chic and ready to take on the world, no matter what my age!
What a sweetie! A granddaughter is a special gift - and you have a houseful, lucky you!
What a precious birthday girl! Happy Birthday and I just love the pictures from the day of her birth and now! She sure has the same smile as your Son! Have a blessed day and enjoy this sweet Granddaughter! HUGS!
What a precious girl! Time passes way too quickly!
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