Some of you may recognize this photo.
Last year at this time, Jeff was in boot camp at Fort Jackson
and this Army mom wasn't sure if the Doctor would clear her to travel.
Obviously, I was there.
While sitting in the stands, it really hit me hard about the sacrifices
our service men and women have made so we can live
the lives we live.
Sacrifices beyond belief.
Although this photo was taken in June, I think it is perfect for Memorial Day.
I have to warn you-this is kind of a long post for me.
The photo below is my precious dad.
He passed away 5 years ago on Memorial Day.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him.
I revisited 2 posts I wrote about Memorial Day since I've
been blogging.
post was written when I was a very new blogger.
post was written last year.
And now...... my soldier son has graduated
boot camp, The Defense Language Institute (Indonesian),
and is currently at Fort Goodfellow Air Force Base in Texas.
He should be moving to Hawaii in July (unless things change).

The photo above was taken at his graduation from DLI.
How I miss all of them.
He will miss the birth of Andrea Jeanne.
She is due the end of August/first of Sept.
and Dorothy and the girls will be in Monterey on base.
I know he is NOT THE FIRST to miss a birth but....
it still breaks my heart.
Not just for him but for all the soldiers that have and will
miss out on the important milestones.
I am so grateful he is safe however.
When we were at Fort Jackson for his graduation,
we had the opportunity to drive around the base and explore a bit.
We found an old cemetery.
These are photo's of some old gravestones.
Sad but beautiful.

There is a long line of service in my family.
The letter below is one that was written to my
My great-grandpa was a POW in Andersonville Prison
during the Civil War.
I have it framed and I have to tell you that I held my breath
as I took it out of the frame to scan it.
Thank God, no damage done.
It is something I treasure and it will
be passed down to the kids someday.

To sum up this VERY long post,
May God Bless and keep our Military strong and safe.
I know that many of you have loved ones that
are currently serving this country.
My thoughts and prayers are with you daily.
May God continue to Bless America.