Jeff has received his orders and after his 2 month
period in Texas, (provided the military doesn't change things up)
my dear family will be moving to HAWAII.
I'm still digesting the fact that Jeff is in the Army.
I know, I'm slow-hehe.
Dorothy will not be able to move right away because she'll be too
far along in her pregnancy.
So Dorothy and the ladies and NewBaby2010. ver.4.0
will be moving as soon as
her Doctor will allow.
What a year this has been.
Well, if one's children have to live far away, let them live somewhere exotic!!! (and safe!)
I see lots of beach visits in your future - and perhaps a focus on things French Polyniesian in the future?
Hawaii, ooh lah lah! Sounds like a wonderful place to visit:) Hope it will be an easy move for everyone! Hugs!
Quite a distance to be from your family. A downside of military life I guess. Great place for visits though.
Your photo of the chateau on the river brings back fond memories of trips there.
Well you will have exotic holidays instead of French holidays ! The weather will certainly be better than here!
oh my goodness, how exciting to live in Hawaii! That will be a new experience, I'm sure you'll love it. That is so different than you wanted, but dreams shall never die!
BARB! With French in our souls, where ever we go, what ever we do, we do it with a French flair, always! Thank you for coming to visit with me today! So good to see your beautiful face!
Bonjour Barb,
How exciting for you, I'm sure you'll enjoy all that beautiful weather. Most important you will be with your family.
Bonne chance with everything!
Hello again Barb, Sorry I misunderstood, I though all of you were making the move - now you have a gorgeous place to visit your famly. Everyone must be so excited for that new baby!
Well just think about it this way: Hawaii is only 3 hours by air from the French paradise of Tahiti! It's very French there, you can all go, it's so worth it!!
Sounds like a full, wonderful life this year!
Wow! We never know what tomorrow will bring or where it will lead us! You better get your hula skirt on and take some lessons girl!!! I can't imagine HAVING to go visit family in Hawaii.
Happy birthday to your handsome son!!
Wow! Good for them! good for you...you'll have to find every possible excuse to go visit often! thanks for the visit today! ;)
Love your frenchified beach shack, is it in French Polynesia?
Think of the great visits you'll have in Hawaii, lucky you!
Hawaii is a great place to live. My dad was stationed at Tripler and we lived at Ft. Shafter for three years. Just think how much you will save not having to stay at a hotel when you visit. Maybe his next tour will be France. My dad's was. We lived in Orleans for three years. I was in high school by this time and it was great.
ohhh love that abonndend chateau..
where is that in france :)
you have a great blog you will find me more often
greetings meriam
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