Today Jeff turns 31.
I can't believe how fast the years have flown by.

Jeff was 6.
As I look at this photo, I can see Jayde and Hailey at this age.

The photo above was taken at Fort Jackson.
The Ladies had sent this T-shirt to daddy for Father's day.

This photo was taken over Valentine's weekend when Jeff was
on leave.
Jeff, I want you to know that I have always been proud of you.
I have watched you grow from a precious little boy into an
amazing man.
I am in awe of your dedication to your family and to this country.
You are brave beyond belief.
May God continue to Bless you with his favor and grace.
Your mama loves you very much.
******************************************P.S. The funeral for Ray's mom was beautiful.
We flew home yesterday.
Yes, I did the Eulogy and God provided the words.
What a privilege I was given.
Thank you for your prayers.