this little lady (not so little) came into our lives and things have never been the same.
Happy birthday Miss Annika!
I can't believe you are already three.

The typical 1 year old.
Jeff and Dorothy had gift wrap everywhere.
But we all had so much fun.
At that age, daddy loved the camera also.
He was just a little bit older than Annika when he was signed by an agent in L.A. (but that is a whole other post).
Today was the day that Dorothy, the ladies, my 70 lb granddog and the guinea pig were to leave for Monterey. I can't imagine that drive! God bless them.
A cracked radiator, put it on hold until tomorrow. That's the plan anyway.
The radiator is ordered and 2 of her neighbors (mechanics) will be installing it tonight after work.
After picking up 2 radiators that should have fit, I'm hoping the 3rd time is the charm.
This certainly was a CRAZY weekend.
The Army movers pack next Tuesday and load on Wednesday.
Grandma will be hanging out at their house making sure all is done.
That will be one quiet house.
But back to Annika....
Sweet Pea, you have a wonderful spirit.
There is so much joy and love (and singing).
I pray as you get older, that sweet spirit stays just as sweet.
It has been such a thrill to watch you grow.
I am so proud to be your Grandma.
I love you bunches!
A cracked radiator, put it on hold until tomorrow. That's the plan anyway.
The radiator is ordered and 2 of her neighbors (mechanics) will be installing it tonight after work.
After picking up 2 radiators that should have fit, I'm hoping the 3rd time is the charm.
This certainly was a CRAZY weekend.
The Army movers pack next Tuesday and load on Wednesday.
Grandma will be hanging out at their house making sure all is done.
That will be one quiet house.
But back to Annika....
Sweet Pea, you have a wonderful spirit.
There is so much joy and love (and singing).
I pray as you get older, that sweet spirit stays just as sweet.
It has been such a thrill to watch you grow.
I am so proud to be your Grandma.
I love you bunches!
I am glad you visited my blog, for when I stopped by to visit you, I almost gasped out loud at your profile picuture. There is one of me (somewhere) at seemingly the same age at my birthday in the exact same pose with my cake. Are you an only child, by any chance? LOL
Your granddaughter is beautiful! And what a lovely name...My only child just became engaged, so one of these days, I will be able to blog about my "grandbaby"...God willing and not TOO soon. LOL
You have a GREAT week too. Hope to get to know you better. Your blog looks lovely. I will explore it more later...
She sure is a cutie pie! They do grow up so fast. My baby girl is 9 yrs old already!! I do miss my grandchildren but know that you have to let go sometimes but THOSE apron strings sure are hard to cut!! I pray that all goes well with their move. And tell Annika to have a very happy birthday!!
Hi Barb ~
OH your little granddaughter is so cute(:) how fun ~!!
I have the cabin at the top of my list too ..LOL
Thanks for asking ..my foot is much better, am wearing shoes now and walking --kinda slow and careful.. BUT walking again-
............yeah ~!!(:)
Hi Barb!!! What a sweetie pie she is!!! Happy 3rd Birthday!!!
Hope all is well! Sounds like you're pretty busy! :-)
Well God bless a cracked radiator for giving you those few extra hours with your loved ones. I am praying for their safety in travel. What a little beauty Miss Annika is ...and such a winning smile! Camera loves her, too. :)
What a gorgeous little girl! You are right to be a proud grandma.
Dearest Barb! Oh how I am thrilled to see you family photos and to hear that you are happy. Annika is a darling little sweet pea indeed! You have so much to love and be grateful for. Thank you for coming by my blog; the theatre is striking up again and yes, get those gloves and opera glasses out. Annika can come too! The main character will be a cute Fox Wire Haired Terrier!!! Lots of love to you, Anita
Hi Barb, that Annika sure is a cutie patootie ! Hope you are doing well sweetie .
Hi ladies,
I just spoke with Dorothy and they are already in the L.A. area. All is going well with the drive.
Thank you for the birthday wishes for Annika. I will miss them like crazy but I am so glad they can be together as a family.
hugs to all of you.
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