Part of this post is taken from one I did last year.
Here goes........
I have to be quite honest with you here. When the kids started talking about getting
married, I thought they were too young.
Give it a little more time, how about 6 more months?
We discussed it in detail.
I decided if they were going to get married, it was their business, not mine
and I could totally be on board or not.
Well, guess what?
I jumped on the bandwagon and never looked back!
Tomorrow will be their 10th Anniversary and I couldn't be happier for them.
The years have flown by and produced many blessings.
Jayde and Hailey (still my dancing Queens), are just 2 of those blessings.
Any woman who is a grandma, knows what I am talking about.
Any woman who is a grandma, knows what I am talking about.

Annika came on board almost 3 years ago (August 10th).
Three precious little girls. What could be better than that?
I am so glad that Jeff and Dorothy did not listen to me and went ahead to start their
life together.
Mother always doesn't know best.
Well, here we are 1 year later..........
A lot of changes are going on.
And yes, I have been a little weepy (o.k, very weepy).
Dorothy and the girls will be heading out to Monterey most likely on Monday to begin their new Army life.

I am so excited for them to be able to start a new life and share this amazing journey.
I have been blessed (here come the tears) to have them so close over the years.
I know families are spread out all over the place. I truly know how fortunate I have
been to have them living close by. I don't take anything for granted.
While I am somewhat sad (really sad) for myself, I am so happy that they will be together sharing Jeff's dream.

I am extremely proud of all of them. Dorothy, for all the hard work you have been doing especially since Jeff has been gone. Girl, you have moved mountains (the GARAGE)
and done it with grace. I am so proud to call you my "daughter".
I know your mother would be so proud of you, honey.
My precious little ladies.....you are amazing and don't ever forget how special you are.
Jeff, I am in awe of you. I know this is not easy and you are working at top speed.
I am so proud to call you my son. You have been a blessing to me.
Thank you for the sacrifices you are making to serve this country.
I want you to know that I am in awe of the 5 of you.
I love you to pieces!

This is where my family will be starting their new life. DLI in Monterey, Ca.
Happy Anniversary and God Bless you.
Wonderful. Congrats. My daughter celebrated her 10th this year too and managed to give birth to her daughter the same week. her son Oliver was 3 just 2 weeks ago. Aren't we Grandma's blessed.
Congratulations Dorothy and Jeff. Wishing you another 10 happy years together. I think Dorothy looks like a younger version of your header. I can see her dressed in this lovely period clothing. Sea Witch.
Congratulations to the happy couple.
This is so sweet. I know you will miss them terribly. All these different seasons in our lives are so challenging. I pray they have a wonderful anniversary. I know they must be crazy about you. Three little girls. You are so blessed.
Barb! What a beautiful post! How proud you are and should be of this beautiful son and his success! Your DIL is beautiful and what can I say about those little ones? Oh Barb, you are so wonderful. You lead a very rich life. Congratulations to all of you! Anita
Congrats on this anniversary. I wish you happy life and success over your lifetime. Visit me at Home Staging Photos
My sweet friend, I am praying for you now. As I read through this post I could feel your heart... wanting to really encourage Jeff and Dorothy in their anniversary and their move. But I could also feel your mom's-heart-sadness that they are moving away. You will be fine, but I know it will be hard. You'll have to kiss those sweet grandaughters and tell Jayde to keep at that artwork! Tell her to send grandma her artwork frequently, and maybe grandma will want to share some with us. :)
Love ya,
Congrats to Dorothy and Jeff! How nice of you to fill in! :)
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