Thursday, December 18, 2008

Finding the ho ho ho

That is not a picture of me but I am looking for the ho ho ho.

It has been a busy week but not with Christmas preparations.
Many of you are aware of the fact that my youngest son is ill. This has been a difficult week health wise for him. We are not sure if he will be in or out of the hospital for Christmas.
I really feel that the spirit of Christmas lives in the heart so it can be celebrated anywhere.

I am so thankful for another year with him. I have wonderful memories of past Christmases with my boys. They have been two of the best gifts I have ever received (hubby too).
This has always been one of my favorite times of the year and this year is no different.
Time with family is one of the best gifts we can ever receive.
Treasure it, it goes by way too fast.


Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi dear Barb!

Yes we CAN make Christmas wherever we need to, because we are mothers and because the spirit of Christmas dwells so deeply within us. And if you need to you can borrow some of mine sweet friend, I loan it to you gladly! Your son and your family will be in my prayers throughout the holidays!!

Merry Christmas dear Barb!

Holiday hugs, Sherry

If you ever need a listening ear email me @

And tell Tommy thanks for the holiday tour! The Christmas decorations are lovely and he did an awesome job!!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

I'll be praying for your son and for you all.
Give yourself a hug for me, Barb!

Unknown said...

So Sorry to hear about your son being sick again! I hope that you do have a Merry Christmas whether he is in or out of the hospital! That is great that you have that attitude! He needs that from you so much. Being sick can put such guilt on a child during the holidays and that fact that you have such a lovely attitude can be very healing, indeed! I'll keep your family and son in my prayers! :)

alice said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, no matter where you are- home or hospital- the Christmas spirit will find you!

Lorrie said...

hello dear Barb,

I'm sorry to hear about your son. The wonderful thing about Christmas is that it comes whether we feel like it or not. And that's a good thing - Jesus came when we didn't even know we needed him. And he's with you there today and everyday as you deal with life.
Blessings to you and your family. I'm praying for you.

Christmas joy to you today,

Judy said...

Hi Barb. I hope your son is better soon. Yes you can make a happy holiday no matter what you are doing or where you are. Sometimes you have to search for that silver lining but it's always there. Happy holidays, I'll be thinking of you and your family. Anna and Bailey send Tommie hugs too!

Connie said...

Oh Barb sweet chick, I'm sorry to hear about your son! I know I'd be devastated if it was my son. We'll pray for him tonight and hope you survive this trial. Merry Christmas and smooches,

Charm and Grace said...

Oh Barb, I am praying for your son and what a sweet post... yes, Christmas will come wherever your family is. May you all have a blessed Christmas.


Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Sherry is right,we can make Christmas anywhere.Our hearts and prayers will be going out to you and your family.May God bless you.Merry Christmas Barb and may the New Year bring in new hope for your son.Hugs Marie Antionette

Barbara said...

Sorry to read that you son is still not well Barb. Sending prayers and love and best wishes to you all in this new year.

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