Friday, November 14, 2008

California dreaming and praying

When I saw the news last night showing the fires in Ca, I knew the post I had planned for today needed to change.

I spent many years living in the L.A. area. Santa Barbara and Montecito were always a favorite getaway. Not too far away but it had a different feel to it (a wonderful vibe).

I have some friends that still live in the area and I pray they are safe.

My heart and prayers go out to everyone there. I can't imagine what they are going through.


Connie said...

We Californians just put up with them, honey! It's not pretty but it always happens when the weather is so dry and no moisture. We've escaped many earthquakes and fires. That's why we moved to Idaho, sweet chick! I pray for those people all the time.
Ooooh, hope you're feeling okay, honey.

Unknown said...

Such a tragedy each and every year! Those darn Santa Ana winds don't help a bit, either!

Elizabethd said...

We saw this on the news last night, and prayed for everyone's safety. What unimaginable terrors for those people.

nanatrish said...

I pray your friends are doing fine. It is just a sad and scary situation. There are so many tragic things in this world. Take care, Barb.

Sandra Evertson said...

Beautiful photo, sending good thoughts your way!
Sandra Evertson

Ginger's Garden said...

I love California!
Well maybe not the fires and the earthquakes we've had lately, but the weather is nice almost the whole year and I don't have to warm up my car in the morning or shovel snow. Don't miss that at all.
Have a great week!
Soap Artisan

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