Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thank you Elizabeth!

Elizabeth over at French Village Life gave me this wonderful award.
I am so excited about it and it certainly helped make my day.
She has a fabulous blog and her posts are always interesting. Her pictures are pretty amazing too! Please take some time and visit her. She is a wonderful hostess.

Now it is my turn to pass this award to 7 fellow bloggers. But first, the rules.

1. Please put the logo on your blog.

2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.

3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award.

4. Add links to the recipients.

5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award.

Now, the tough part. I love all the blogs I read and would love to give it to every one.
But since I can't, here goes.....

I nominate Becky
Nana Trish
Amanda Jo

Congrats to everyone! I am inspired by all your wonderful posts. CELEBRATE!!!!

The next few days are jam packed for me. I will be visiting every one later in the week.

Take good care!!!


Rebecca Ramsey said...

What a sweetheart you are!
Thank you!

nanatrish said...

Barb, Thank you so much! This is wonderful. I do appreciate you being so kind. I certainly enjoy your blog on a daily basis. I will be glad to award some other blogs and I thank you so much!!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Barb!
Thank you so much for the wonderful award! You are so sweet to think of me, what an honor!! I will do a post on it as soon as I can and pass it on. It will be as difficult for me as it was for you to chose only 7 people. (or was that 70? LOL)
I would give it to YOU but you already have it LOL!
Big Hugs, Sherry

Unknown said...

Awwww...thanks, I'm honored. That was really sweet of you.

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh Barb, I am just blown away about the award you gave me ! Thank you so-o-o-o much.
And thank you for stopping by for the tea party.
It might take me a few days to pick my 7 recipients, but I will get it all on there shortly.

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

P.S. I keep forgetting to tell you the picture on the left sidebar of the 3 little girls is so adorable. They are beautiful children and look like fun loving darlings!

Amanda Jo said...

Me?! REALLY?! Me? I can't believe I got a blog award! This is my very first one!

Thank you Barb!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! You definitely deserve this award :)


Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

Thank you for your kind words left on my blog about my mother. I will work at getting my award on my blog and choosing my people. I appreciate you being so sweet to award it to me!

katylinvw said...

congratulations! you deserve it! :)

Debi said...

Hi Barb,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I enjoyed reading yours and am having so much fun!
Hope to see you again!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Congratulations Barb! It is a well deserved award and you picked nice blogs to give it to.

Hurry back soon!

Hugs, Pat

Attic Clutter said...

Hi Barb
Oh I'm doing fine now, had a sore back the last two days but ice packs and Advil helped(:) thanks for your sweet concern..
No robins in AZ ..Sorry .. I bet you have alot of other neat birds though..well hope you have a great day and will talk soon..Hugs Patty

*The Beautiful Life* said...

Love the idea of the award!! And 7 is a "perfect" number! :)

You certainly DO have my permission to spread the word about the necklaces for those precious women in Jinja. PLEASE do tell anyone and everyone about it.

Thank you SO much!!!! :)

CIELO said...

Congratulations, Barb! Your sweet spirit and possitive attitude deserve all the awards in blogland

Love ya


Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Barb,
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on winning the award. Also thank you for entering the contest and for your kind comments. Have a lovely Sunday.

Barbara said...

Congrats. again Barb.

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