Friday, June 27, 2008

If it is Friday....

it must be my husband rocks!
Again, thank you Katy Lin for starting a Friday tradition.

Since my hubby is camera shy, this picture is standing in for him today.
It was taken in Utah a couple of years ago.

The sign is appropriate because he does lift me up. He realizes from time to time I do need a little extra "support". When life gets a bit difficult, he is the first one that offers words of encouragement and support.

With the FDA Globalization act of 2008 looming over the future of small business owners, he knows that I am concerned. The words of wisdom came, "If this door is closed, one will open that will be even better than you could imagine".
How great is that? Rock on Hubby!


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Sounds like one great guy!

Christina said...

That's pretty great! I'm loving the MHR Fridays.

katylinvw said...

what a wonderful man! praying for the outcome of the FDA act. thanks for being such a great blog friend :)!

Kim's Treasures said...

Awww what an awesome hubby!

Sarah Taylor said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful, encouraging man there! We'll be praying!

Unknown said...

That is really sweet, so glad you have a great guy in your life to give you a lift when you are down.

Beverly said...

I like the way he thinks. I do believe he is a keeper.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

That is a wonderful philosophy to believe in Barb, and so true.
Always keep hope, and keep loving your great hubby!

Hugs, Pat

Anne Fannie said...

Your husband sounds like a great guy. Thanks for posting a sweet message on my blog and for the information on the FDA act.
Love, Ann

Elizabethd said...

Lovely to have such a support.A real rock!

THE Stephanie said...

What a sweetie... and a great support system!

BTW, I hadn't forgotten about your award, and I've finally posted about it today. I know, I'm a slacker. BUT, I did post an apology for being such a slacker right there on the world wide web for all to see :) lol

Check it out...

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Barb!
I love the sign! How perfect is that? Ray sounds so wonderful! I'm glad you have been blessed with a great guy that loves you. You deserve it!
Hugs, Sherry

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