Two posts in one month, go Barb, GO!
I wanted to share some photo's from BOHO Farmers/Flea Market.
I have to tell you that this virgin had a marvelous time. Hubby went also
(he was a virgin too) and is still talking about it. The people, the setting, truly
fantastic. It was wonderful to connect with some facebook friends too.
This was taken from my area looking toward the back of the house.
Debra's booth is at the right. That gal had some fantastic finds!
This booth belongs to one of the sweetest gals on this planet- Sabrina.
I had to dodge a few times because women were literally running to see her goodies.
Couldn't you just move into her booth?
I sort of moved in there-hehe. She took me under her wing and loaned me some
tables and other goodies so I could spread out a bit more.
WhimsyJunk was my other neighbor. Those gals were full of life as you
can see. Helpful too! Next time I will be using the little BOX attached to my phone for credit cards.
Thank you ladies!
This is another shot of Debra's booth. She and her hubby did an
amazing job and boy did her goodies fly out of there.
O.k, here it is. Humble but it definitely worked!

My hat is off to Caroline and her family. Amazing, amazing, amazing!
If you have not visited her, you NEED TO.
Caroline has talent galore. You will want to spend some serious time on her blog.
Click below to see some true eye candy. Her house and yard.... a dream
Boho rocked!
Hope everyone is having a great week.
love and hugs