The celebration is about to begin.
Please help yourself to a glass of bubbly
as we toast the winner of The French Elements giveaway.

While I wish I could send something to each of you lovelies,
hubby said "no". Party pooper.
The winner of the 1st giveaway for 2011 is Miss
She is the mistress of all things tatted (and a really terrific lady).
I am so glad we reconnected through facebook.
AND I thought I would never get hooked on Facebook. HA!
Congrats to you Tattingchic.
Thanks to each of you that took the time to come by and enter.
I appreciate each of you.
I know I have not been a great blogger but there is so much going on that
blogging has taken a back seat.
I do love all of you though!
Jeff called today and we chatted for a couple of hours.
Made my month.
When I mentioned his surgery in the last post, I was kind of vague.
I really had no idea there was a problem.
He had a small (thumb size) "tumor like" thingy appear
on the side of his head.
It interferred with wearing a helmet and the Army wants
you to wear your helmet when necessary.
The surgeon removed it (BENIGN-THANK YOU GOD)
and all is good.
As usual, he sounded fantastic. Music to this mama's ears.
So, let us lift a glass to Tattingchic on her win.
May there be many more winners.
Have a happy week.