2009 was a very interesting year for us.
If someone would have told me that my youngest son would be in the hospital for more than half of the year
my oldest son would join the Army, be learning Indonesian
his entire family would be living in Monterey, WHEW
I would not have believed it.
O.K, I might have believed the hospital part.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
One thing I can say is, we have all
come through much stronger spiritually.
For that I am thankful.
2010 already promises to be a year of change and excitement.
I can't wait.
O.k. enough rambling.
This post brings me to the last giveaway from The French Elements
for 2009.
Whoo hoo!
This is what #91 (the Winner was chosen by grandchildren generator),
will receive.

I love this damask flower.

by Chanel.
This is one of my favorite things.
So, #91 (aka Stephanie) come on down girl.
Your gifts will go out ASAP.
I really want to thank everyone that has followed my blog.
You are more appreciated than you know!
Now a shameless plug-hehe.
I have been busy adding items to my little shop.
I am an animal freak and have had so much fun making these pillows.

Since this is my last post of 2009,
I thought I would end with a fantastic youtube video.
Many years ago, we had the opportunity to go to Euro Disney.
The kids were in heaven.
While the name has changed, the magical feeling is still there.
Enjoy the show.
I pray that each of you has a spectacular New Year and may
God Bless us all.
Big hugs,