Thank you ladies and gentleman for your comments. I appreciate your support! You all rock!
To tell you the truth, I was kind of blind sighted the other day. I usually check my emails first thing in the morning. When I pulled them up, there was a very mean spirited email that obviously was disturbing. What is sad is the fact that the person spent time finding the email address and firing off a nasty email. How sad.
Not a good way to start the day for either one of us. My day was going to be a long one and certainly not a fun filled day. That is when I decided to post very quickly before heading out. I think this picture that was taken in Paris shows that you can be very different but still get along just fine.
I have been the lucky recipient of the "I love your blog" award from
Cielo. If you have not visited her blog, you are in for a treat. It is beautiful visually and spiritually. She was one of my first blogging friends and a true sweetheart. Her writing is incredible! Thank you my friend.
NanaTrish has tagged me with sharing 6 quirks. I just love her blog. Her spirit is lovely, her blog is inspiring and she is a lot of fun! Thank you my friend.
Here goes...... 1. I always state what is on my mind (tactfully I hope, most of the time).
2. I am not a "car girl" but I love the BBC show "Top Gear" which is a car show.
3. I sing loudly along with the radio in my car. I'm sure I may scare people!
4. As a child, I had to keep my food separated on my plate.
5. I start the day by being thankful for another day on earth.
6. I give it my best shot to be positive every day.
Instead of passing this on to a certain number of people, I am passing this on to any one that would like to play along. I guess #7 is that I don't always play by the rules-hehe!
I am getting close to my 100th post. Unbelievable! I never thought I would have anything to talk about. Stay tuned for a French themed giveaway.
God bless all of you that have suffered damage in the storm. The pictures are just heartbreaking. You have a whole community praying for you.
I am slowly making my way around to visit blogs. This has been a crazy week and another one is coming up.
Have a beautiful Sunday.